The ULTRAMAT 23 for biogas applications simultaneously measures 4 gas components: 2 infrared active gases,
methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2), and oxygen (O2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) using electrochemical
cells. The measurements of all components are made continuously allowing better process control which results not only in an economically optimized process but also in a better product quality.
The H2S sensor is integrated in the 19" rack ULTRAMAT 23 analyzer, which can also be mounted in a compact enclosure including a sample conditioning system (IP54).
The autocalibration feature of the ULTRAMAT 23 and the low drift of the H2S sensor enable maximum ease of use and minimum maintenance attention for effective, economic and reliable plant operation.
• Process control of the fermenter for biogas generation (crude side and clean side)
• Gas engine monitoring (electrical and thermal energy generation) for motor protection
• Optimization of methane yield and feed (biogas power generation)
• Quality control of biogas fed into commercial gas distribution network
ULTRAMAT 23 Gas Analyzer –
Unique Solution for
Biogas Applications