The Environics® Series 2014 VOC Gas Dilution System is a microprocessor based gas dilution system designed for the preparation of calibration standards used for VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) monitoring programs. This system stands out from competitors in its ability to generate infinitely varied concentrations within the operating range of the instrument.
The Series 2014 can be used to dynamically produce ppb level standards from ppm level cylinder gases.
EPA methods for VOC's specify a dynamic dilution to produce the initial multi-point calibration as well as the required daily and pre-sample calibration at the nominal 10 ppb level.
The Series 2014 employs mass flow controllers calibrated to a NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) traceable primary standard. All gas wetted surfaces are electropolished stainless steel to minimize absorption effects at ppb levels. Seals are gas compatible elastomers. A heated flow path is provided.
Commands are entered from the front panel and displayed on a backlit 25 line by 80 character liquid crystal display. Calibration sequences are stored in the internal microprocessor for recall by the keypad, optional RS-232 communications or optional status interface.
Data Sheet Series 2014