With the HALO LP N2O, powerful advancedspectroscopy is available for a host of applications,from process control to quality and safety assurancein Air Separation Plants. Other applications include monitoring of cylinder filling, bulk delivery anddistribution transfer points, as well as welding,medical, industrial and high-purity gas production, andmore. Say goodbye to cumbersome, complex, costlyand labor-intensive mid-20th century technology.Gone is the need for calibration, spare parts, limitedmeasurement ranges, and worries about drift anddowntime usually associated with NDIRs, FTIRs, or GCs.
Features- Sub-parts-per-million (ppm) N2O detection capability
- z Absolute measurement (freedom from calibration gases)
- z Wide dynamic range—over four orders of magnitude
- z Low cost of ownership and operational simplicity
- z Clean technology—no external calibration gases required
- z Compact analyzer footprint
- z User-programmable alarms immediately notify on high events
Brochure HALO LP N2O