The Ankersmid Group has a long history in providing analytical solutions for gas measurement systems as well as laboratory instruments. The Ankersmid group’s expertise ranges from providing reliable and rugged gas measurement systems and services for both process and emission measurements to cutting edge scientific instruments. Ankersmid’s expertise includes systemengineering, system integration service and maintenance for process gas applications.
Ankersmid Process
We have a history of over 30 year in gas sampling, system building and in-line analysers. The group has earned a reputation as a reliable provider of high quality products and professional services. In 2008 we launched Ankersmid's new generation of gas sampling and conditioning products in order to improve our systems and quality. To highlight this enovation the Group changed it's name from M&C Indumation into Ankersmid Process. Our portfolio includes the complete gas analysis range, as well as wet analysis such as online viscosity, turbidity and oil in water analyzers. We also service a very wide variety of analysers of other brands.
Ankersmid Lab
With our complete package of process analyzers and conditioning systems we can offer a close link to the laboratory analysis instruments. With more than 25 years of experience in environmental, pharmaceutical, chemical, food and physical analysis we can be of great help in advising your lab the best techniques and applications. We have the best equipment for pH, ISE, conductivity, refractometry, melting point, microscopy, polarimetry and mercury measurements. We also have a unique particle size and shape analyzer.
Samuel Morsestraat 4 Tel: (+31)-548 59 59 69
7442 DH Nijverdal Fax (+31)-548 62 19 72
Ankersmid product brochure
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